• JG Pears - Newark

Aalborg Energie Technik a/s Biomass Cogeneration Plant

JG Pears, Newark, UK

The JG Pears MBM-fired cogeneration plant was constructed at their animal rendering facility at Low Marnham, Newark, Nottinghamshire.

The Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant generates renewable energy by providing steam and electricity to JG Pears animal rendering facility as well as exporting its excess electrical power to the National Grid.


The MBM-fired CHP plant replaces over 90% of the fossil fuels used in the rendering process. MBM is a sustainable alternative with a calorific value of the same magnitude as coal, meaning a significant amount of carbon dioxide emissions will be saved each year. MBM can also be sourced more locally than the fuels previously used, which reduces carbon emissions from transport. Pellets can be used as back-up fuel.


Technology, EPC and O&M-support by AET

Based on successful reference plants with high fuel flexibility, low emissions and having the AET Combustion System and AET Biomass Boiler installed, the selection of AET as technology provider for the project was a safe choice for JG Pears.


The plant is highly fuel flexible as it is currently equipped to burn MBM and pellets. Furthermore, it is prepared for other types of biomass fuels.


As AET also has solid references on EPC and O&M-support, the advantage of placing these contracts with the technology supplier was utilised. In this way, the risk for the investors (JG Pears, Rabobank and EKF) was considerably reduced.


The plant started operations in 2018; 2 weeks ahead of schedule.


As Turnkey supplier, AET designed, supplied, constructed and commissioned the following scope:

  • Fuel reception, handling and storage
  • Fuel feeding and AET Fuel Dosing System
  • AET Combustion System with AET Spreader Stoker and AET BioGrate
  • Start-up and auxiliary burner
  • AET Biomass Boiler with superheaters and economisers
  • AET Combustion Air System
  • AET Steam Air Preheaters
  • Bag filter with abatement injection system
  • Selective catalytic reduction (SCR)
  • Flue gas system
  • Ash handling system
  • Compressed air system
  • Waste water treatment
  • Steam turbine generator
  • Air cooled condenser
  • Instrumentation
  • PLC control system and SCADA system
  • Boiler, turbine and service building
  • Technical Service Agreement (TSA).

Additional Information


42 MWth


102 bara


482 °C


≤12 MWe

Process energy:

≤34 MWth

3D illustration of the JG Pears plant.

Entrance at JG Pears, Newark.

JG Pears CEO, Alistair Collins discussing plant plans with AET staff.

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  • Aalborg Energie Technik a/s
  • Alfred Nobels Vej 21F
  • DK-9220 Aalborg East, Denmark
  • Tel +45 96 32 86 00
  • aet@aet.dk