• News
Successful pressure test for the Novawood project at Seqens in France
The pressure test for the pressure parts was successfully completed the 22.01.2022, together with the Notified Body (DNV).
AET Poland sp. z.o.o. opened for business OCT 1st 2021
As a leading engineering and contracting company, AET released the ambitious AET Strategy 2021-2024 earlier this year, and in line with that, AET Poland sp. z.o.o was established.
Lars Kristensen, CEO of AET
New AET office in Poland
Aalborg Energie Technik a/s opens office in Krakow, Poland
Tilbury Green Power - a UK-based waste wood fired plant
GREENVOLT, together with EQUITIX acquires all shares in Tilbury Green Power - a GB-based waste wood fired plant
GREENVOLT, together with EQUITIX acquires all shares in Tilbury Green Power - a GB-based waste wood fired plant
Another AET Biograte ready for shipment
AET Biograte
Another AET Biograte ready for shipment
Good cooperation atmosphere
Solvay – Woodpower - Good cooperation atmosphere despite of Covid-19
Wishing you a lovely (and safe) Christmas holiday
Christmas greeting
Wishing you a lovely (and safe) Christmas holiday
Claus Ellemann - new Sales Director at AET
Claus Ellemann - new Sales Director
AET is pleased to announce a new Sales Director
Photo of SEQENS site in Laneuveville-devant-Nancy (courtesy of ENGIE Solutions).
AET Secures New Order in France
Aalborg Energie Technik a/s secures Order for a Biomass-fired 65 MWt Boiler in France
Verdo - Randers, Denmark
Retrofitting Boilers from Coal to Biomass Combustion
Reducing CO2 emissions are on the minds of many people.
Chicken litter-fired environment friendly power plant in Turkey
AET has Secured Order for a Chicken Litter-fired Power Plant
Aalborg Energie Technik a/s has secured an order for a 35 MWe chicken litter-fired and environment friendly power plant in Turkey
Nicolai Møller, Service Director
New Service Director at AET
AET has separated Customer Service as a specific business area and appointed Nicolai Møller as new Service Director.
Performance improvement at Nordic Sugar
Performance Improvement at Nordic Sugar
AET's Service team has had the pleasure of optimising the performance of two out of four oil-fired boilers (K5 and K7) at the sugar factory at Nordic Sugar in Nykøbing F. (DK).
Lars Kristensen, New CEO of AET
AET is Pleased to Announce New CEO as of August 1st 2019
Lars Kristensen has been appointed as the new CEO of AET, and he will replace Hans Erik as of August 1st 2019.
Hans Erik Askou
New Member of the Board for AET
Hans Erik Askou was recently appointed as member of the board for AET.
The Solvay plant in Rheinberg
AET gets Order for a 90 MWt Biomass-fired Boiler at Solvay 29.5.2019
AET secures order for biomass-fired boiler plant at Solvay, Germany.
The turnkey biomass-fired CHP plant for Akuo Energy
AET Hands Over the Akuo Energy - CBN Project in France
AET hands over turnkey biomass-fired CHP plant in France.
Yet another commissioned AET SNCR DeNOx System
Yet another Commissioned AET SNCR DeNOx System
In NOV 18, AET has commissioned yet another custom AET SNCR DeNOx System to reduce NOx emissions: this time at De Danske Gærfabrikker in Grenå (DK) for their solid-fueled boiler.
AET and JG Pears (Newark) Ltd celebrated First Fire at the JG Pears plant on Decmber 5th 2017.
AET and JG Pears Celebrated First Fire at Newark Plant
A major milestone was reached when First Fire was celebrated at the biomass cogeneration plant near Newark, Nottinghamshire in England.
AET wins EY Entrepreneur of the year award
AET wins the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award
Aalborg Energie Technik a/s (AET) Wins the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award in the Region of Northern Jutland
AET has secured an order for a 30 MWe biomass-fired power plant to be built in Russi near Ravenna.
AET is to Deliver an AET Biomass Boiler for PowerCrop-Russi
AET has secured an order for a 30 MWe biomass-fired power plant to be built in Russi near Ravenna.
AET at ICCI in Turkey
Meet AET at the ICCI Exhibition in Istanbul
AET participates in ICCI 2017 in Istanbul. Come and visit us at the ISTANBUL EXPO CENTER, Hall 10 Booth nr. B105, 3-5 May.
Steam blowing at Tilbury Green Power.
Steam Blowing at Tilbury Green Power
Steam blowing at Tilbury Green Power. The steam blowing is an important milestone in the project, and all plans and budgets are followed.
A 3D illustration of the plant Cogéneration Biomasse de Novillars
AET to Deliver a Biomass-fired Cogeneration Plant for Akuo
AET receives order for 63 MW CHP plant. The new plant CBN, will be located in Novillars, France.
Tilbury Green Power Completes Successful Boiler Pressure Test
TGP Completes Successful Boiler Pressure Test
Tilbury Green Power completes successful boiler pressure test of the AET boiler. The construction of the plant continues according to schedule.
AET signs another large order in England
AET signed EPC contract at JG Pears (Newark) in GB
Aalborg Energie Technik a/s signed another EPC contract in the United Kingdom. The 42 MWt and 12 MWe cogeneration plant will be situated near Newark.
CEO Hans Erik Askou
Aalborg Energie Technik a/s Celebrates 20-year Anniversary
Aalborg Energie Technik a/s celebrates its 20-year anniversary on the 1st of July 2016. The company has grown steadily since it started, and now counts more than 100 employees.
Østkraft. Photo by Niels Chr. Bohn Pihl.
Østkraft Orders Fuel-conversion to Biomass at AET
Østkraft orders conversion of their coal-fired power plant to biomass from Aalborg Energie Technik a/s.
SODC plant in Orléans is now in operation
AET Hands Over the Boiler Plant to SODC, Orléans in France
Aalborg Energie Technik a/s (AET) has made the final handover of the 37 MW boiler to SODC, the Cofely Services (ENGIE Group).
Handover of BES VSG plant
AET Hands Over the Boiler Plant to BES VSG in France
Aalborg Energie Technik a/s (AET) has made the final handover of the 50 MW fuel heat input boiler (525 °C, 120 bara) to Biomass Energy Solutions VSG-in France.
AET delivers the highly efficient combution system to the Tilbury Green Power Plant.
AET is to Deliver a Biomass-fired Plant and O&M at Tilbury
AET is to deliver a 40 MWe biomass power plant to Tilbury Green Power Ltd. and additionally 20 years operation and maintenance; in consortium.
BES VSG - First Fire
First Fire Held at Cofely Services - BES VSG Project
The Cofely GDF SUEZ CHP plant in Vielle-Saint-Girons had its First Fire celebration on Friday 3. Oct. Handover of the plant is expected in February 2015.
First Fire at Orléans
First Fire Held at Cofely Services - SODC Orléans Plant
SODC Cofely Orléans and AET celebrated First Fire in the Orleéns plant Thursday 2nd October 2014.
Her Majesty Visits AET/NOVI
Queen Margrethe Visits NOVI Science Park and AET
Her Royal Highness, Queen Margrethe of Denmark visited Novi and AET on the 18th of June.
Zignago Adds District Heating
AET is to Add District Heating at the Zignago Power Plant
The highly successful Zignago plant has asked AET to upgrade the plant in order to supply district heating to nearby villages.
Cofely BES VSG and Orléans Plants on Schedule
The Two French Cofely Services Projects are on Schedule
The two French CHP Plants - BES VSG and Orléans have recently passed their boiler pressure test with success, and everything is progressing according to schedule.
Cofely GDF-SUEZ  Places an Order for a 54 MW CHP Plant  to be Installed in Lacq, France
AET to Deliver an AET Biomass Boiler for Cofely - Biolacq
Cofely Services GDF- SUEZ places an order for a 54 MW Biomass Boiler Plant with AET.
Successful Start of New Biomass-fired Co-generation Plant, Helius CoRDE
AET Supports Helius CoRDe in Saving Energy Costs
Successful start of new biomass-fired co-generation plant, Helius CoRDe.
The CEO of AET , Hans Erik Askou receives price
AET Receives Award From Dansk Industri
Hans Erik Askou, CEO of Aalborg Energie Technik a/s receives an initiative award from the Chairman of Danish Industries Aalborg.
HRH, Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay Opens Helius CoRDe
HRH, Prince Charles opens the Helius CoRDe Biomass Plant in Morayshire Scotland.
  //  News
  • Aalborg Energie Technik a/s
  • Alfred Nobels Vej 21F
  • DK-9220 Aalborg East, Denmark
  • Tel +45 96 32 86 00
  • aet@aet.dk