AET Poland sp. z.o.o. opened for business OCT 1st 2021
As a leading engineering and contracting company, AET released the ambitious AET Strategy 2021-2024 earlier this year, and in line with that, AET Poland sp. z.o.o was established. It is a pleasure to announce that AET Poland sp. z.o.o. has now officially opened for business OCT 1st 2021.
The Polish office will assist AET in growing our business and improve our competitiveness through:
additional flexible and highly skilled resources.
increased scalability.
excellent opportunity to recruit experienced staff.
proximity to a large sub-supplier pool (new and competitive sourcing opportunities).
The following positions are now at the facility: Managing Director, Engineers, Sourcing Relationship Manager and Supervisors.
In the picture you see some of the employees (from left): Grzegorz Trzaska, Agata Zwolińska, Tomasz Bonsz, Szczepan Wójcik (MD) and Emil Musial.
You can contact AET Poland via visit at Lubelska 29, 30-003 Kraków, telephone at +48 519 703 357 or email at
The Polish organisation will be a 100% integrated part of the AET organisation and working cross-functional in all the activities that AET performs.
We welcome AET Poland in the AET Group and look forward to increasing our support and service to our customers even further.
Do you want to know more about green energy from any kind of biomass, please contact AET Poland sp. z.o.o.
AET Poland sp. z.o.o. opened for business OCT 1st 2021