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Press Release, Aalborg, Denmark, July 15th 2021


Aalborg Energie Technik a/s opens office in Krakow, Poland

Aalborg Energie Technik a/s (AET) is developing the business in accordance with the AET Strategy 2024. With the opening of the Polish office in Krakow, AET has made a significant step in the strategy, which has the slogan: Winning Together.


AET has released an ambitious strategy plan, where the overall goals are to:

  • increase position as preferred partner for selected customers: Creating better solutions for customers through insight, technology, execution, services and strengthening our focus on perceived customer value.

  • increase our ability to be an agile and learning organisation: Fast learning loops turning customer insight into value and taking a shared responsibility for achieving our goals.


AET is recognised as one of the most innovative suppliers of energy technical process plants based on thermal utilisation of various types of sustainable residual products in the world and for supplying solutions with exceptionally high efficiencies, high availabilities, high fuel flexibility and low emissions.


Moreover, with very low maintenance costs, the AET plants ensure investors a viable business case.


Lars Kristensen, CEO of AET: "We are proud that we now are opening a new office in Krakow. As part of our strategy plan, the Polish subsidiary is now open and will bring AET:

  • additional, flexible and highly skilled resources.

  • increased scalability.

  • excellent opportunity to recruit experienced staff.

  • proximity to a large sub-supplier pool (new and competitive sourcing opportunities).

All necessary conditions to grow our business and improve our competitiveness.”


The contact details for the subsidiary in Krakow:

AET Poland sp. z o.o.

Lubelska 29, 30-003 Kraków, Poland

Telephone: +48 519 703 357

Email: szw@aet-biomass.com


The Polish organisation will be a 100% integrated part of the AET organisation, working cross-functional in all the activities that AET performs, going from Sales over Project executions to Aftermarket.


AET is international, however with a Scandinavian mindset with a flat organisational structure, working in a modern and very open environment.


Currently, the Polish organisation consists of managing director Szczepan Wójcik, mechanical engineers and site erection supervisors.


AET is currently seeking further skilled staff i.e., a supplier relations manager, an electrical supervisor, an EAM and OPR Engineer for O&M.






For more information: 

General: Lars Kristensen, CEO, lk@aet.dk, +45 9632 8603.


Press: Frank Scholdann Lund, Head of Marketing and Strategy, fsl@aet.dk, +45 9632 8633.


Aalborg Energie Technik a/s

Aalborg Energie Technik a/s is a leading engineering and construction company that delivers energy technical process plants based on thermal utilisation of various types of sustainable residual products, such as wood waste, demolition wood, industrial waste, chicken manure, meat and bone meal etc. in the size 25- 170 MWt.


The business includes design, engineering, delivery, servicing, operation, and maintenance of plants fired with all kinds of sustainable residual products. Our energy technical process plants are based on many years of practical experience with industrial processes, thermal energy transformation to steam, district heating and electricity, respectively.


AET is known for the delivery of energy technical process plants based on thermal utilisation with exceptionally high efficiency, high availability, high fuel flexibility and low emissions. This ensures that AET's facilities help to ensure the investor a profitable project.


AET are experts in servicing, upgrading, operating, and maintaining energy systems, thereby helping customers to increase reliability and availability, improve efficiency and performance, lower emissions and ensure low operating and maintenance costs.

Lars Kristensen, CEO of AET
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  • Aalborg Energie Technik a/s
  • Alfred Nobels Vej 21F
  • DK-9220 Aalborg East, Denmark
  • Tel +45 96 32 86 00
  • aet@aet.dk